Alcohol Abuse Goes On
Man has the strength to bear many things, but from time to
time he falls subject to stress. Different people find different ways of scrambling
out of similar situations and of obtaining their influx of positive emotions.
Some spend time in the country, in the fresh air while others drink and do
drugs. Tastes are not disputed. Often meager tastes transform into bad habits,
which lead to a shorter and a more sickly life.
For a while people believed that alcoholism was only characteristic of the
lower class and dominated where poverty ruled. But now it is quite obvious
that drinking is widespread as much among the poor as among the affluent.
The difference is that the alcohol problems of the rich are revealed only
when they end up in psychiatric clinics with nervous breakdowns and other
“side effects”.
According to official data there are over 30 thousand alcoholics in Moldova.
There are about ten undisclosed addicts to every registered one. These numbers
increase year in year out. Doctors believe this to be the result of social
and economic factors. Many grow despondent about their future and take to
In Ancient Greece the younger generation was brought up with a sense of abhorrence
of drink. As real life examples they used forcibly drunken slaves to show
to what level of degradation a human being can arrive at with unconstrained
alcohol consumption. From the age of 18 to 30 young men were only allowed
to drink wine mixed with water. Under such restrictions most children were
born physically healthy and mentally vigilant. Today thousands of children
conceived in a state of alcoholic intoxication are born retarded. Over 5000
children attend specialized schools for the mentally handicapped as a shocking
consequence of alcohol abuse. The government spends large sums of money on
trying to fight the consequences instead of aiming to the root of the problem.
Liquor has become a solid part of national traditions. No celebration is
imaginable without a bottle of wine, cognac or vodka. For centuries Moldova
has been famous for its hospitality, which was expressed in the offering of
a bottle of wine. People performing hard physical labor often said that vodka
relieved one from fatigue and those involved in the free arts acknowledged
that drink gave them the necessary boost for inspiration. Vodka is consumed
to keep warm or to improve appetite. However everything is good as long as
it is balanced. When drinking turns into a habit or a systematic everyday
procedure, productiveness and brain activity decrease and there is no appetite.
Restlessness and discomposure are first signs of addiction. The first glass
of liquor is something which is under one’s control but the second has
control over us and in spite of us. As the addiction becomes more pronounced
the amount of alcohol necessary to enhance appetite or put one in better spirits
Doctors classify alcohol as a form of drug, which causes similar effects
to that of real drugs. In a state of intoxication people rarely have control
over their actions and are unaware of time or space. They drink uncontrollably.
The first stage of this is marked with an agonizing need for a drink. A person
in these circumstances typically seeks an excuse for his behavior and always
finds it. In Moldova for example alcohol has always been a means of bringing
people closer together and breaking the ice in a group of friends and even
business partners.
Today society is faced with the problem of drink abusing managers. These
are forced to try alcohol due to multiple informal business meetings and end
up heavily dependent. In contradiction to all assumptions alcohol reduces
mental processes and raises the number of mistakes made at work. Especially
perilous are the effects of alcohol abuse for car and truck drivers that must
always be alert on the road. Even small quantities of liquor can maximize
reaction reflects period from 0.19 to 0.30 seconds. At 70 km/hour this extra
time adds up to approximately two meters before a full stop. In the past ten
years in Moldova over 7.8 thousand people died in car accidents as a result
of drinking and driving (1.6 of these were children).
Alcohol can be traced in a person’s blood for 9-12 hours after being
consumed. The most typical signs of alcohol dependence are morning hangovers.
The mental functions of a drinking person alter to make him moody and downcast
without alcohol. The Russian writer Fyodor Dostoevsky pointed out that vodka
demoralizes and makes men more like animals or beasts. Serious mental disorders
develop with lengthy drinking habits: amnesia and hallucinations are some
of them. Alcoholics require medical treatment and in some cases must even
be hospitalized as causing potential danger to society.
Nearly 8000 people receive treatment in Chisinau rehab centers. Special psychiatric
and diagnostic facilities are also available. Medical assistance is provided
for alcoholics and their family members. Most of those who undergo treatment
are already seriously dependent.
The Parliament of the Republic of Moldova approved a bill on social rehabilitation
of alcohol abusers. According to the decision the latter are subject to 30
days of voluntary or compulsory treatment appointed by a medical commission.
In 2000, experts from the World Health Organization on the basis of research
carried out in 11 countries including Poland and the US arrived at the conclusion
that 8-10 liters of liquor per person annually is a relatively safe proportional
amount. Scandinavian countries have come closest to that measure. In Moldova
the quantity consumed goes up to as far as 20 liters per person.
Regardless of the negative statistics the government has not been able to
develop a radical drinking prevention program that would assist people to
stop drinking or not take it up. In most European countries these types of
programs have long-term objectives and operate for 10 to 15 years or more.
Moldova on the other hand cannot afford similar projects. That is why it will
continue to drink as it has always done despite the difficulties of modern
day life or maybe in some ways due to them.
Alcohol Disorders
- Alcohol use disorders include alcohol dependence (known as alcoholism)
and alcohol abuse.
- Alcohol abuse is characterized by clinically significant impairment
or distress but does not entail physical dependence.
- Alcohol dependence (alcoholism) is characterized by impaired control
over drinking, tolerance, withdrawal syndrome when alcohol is removed,
neglect of normal activities for drinking, and continued drinking
despite recurrent related physical or psychological problems.
- Risky drinking includes drinking beyond moderate levels either on
a regular basis or on a particular occasion.
Identifying Those With Alcohol Problems
- Nearly 14 million American adults meet diagnostic criteria for alcohol
use disorders.
- Approximately one-half of US adults report family history of alcoholism
or problem drinking.
- An estimated 74% of current male drinkers and 72% of current female
drinkers aged 21 and older at least once a year exceed guidelines
for low risk drinking.
- More than 18% of Americans experience alcohol abuse or alcohol dependence
at some time in their lives.
Recognizing the Problem
- Drinking to calm nerves, forget worries or boost a sad mood
- Guilt about drinking
- Unsuccessful attempts to cut down/stop drinking
- Lying about or hiding drinking habits
- Causing harm to oneself or someone else as a result of drinking
- Needing to drink increasingly greater amounts in order to achieve
desired effect
- Feeling irritable, resentful or unreasonable when not drinking
- Medical, social, family or financial problems caused by drinking
Harmful Consequences
- Heavy drinking raises the risk for high blood pressure, heart disease,
certain cancers, accidents, violence, suicides, birth defects and
overall mortality.
- Economic costs to society were estimated at about $185 billion for 1998
- Harmful and hazardous drinking is involved in about one-third of suicides, one-half of homicides, and one-third of child abuse cases.
- Alcohol is involved in a large proportion of unintentional deaths from falls, burns, and drowning.
Drinking Restrictions in the UK
Are you partial to a pint down the pub? What time do you think is reasonable
for last orders? Proposals to change licensing laws in England and Wales
are being presented to the Home Office. The drinks and entertainment
industry wants longer drinking hours and simplified regulations. Supporters
of a change in the current law in the UK think that taking the pressure
off people to down their drinks by 11pm would reduce closing-time violence
and road deaths. But those opposed to extra drinking time warn it could
lead to an increase in alcoholism and family breakdown.
There are different licensing laws in various countries. To some extent
European 24-hour cities like Amsterdam and Barcelona have a better atmosphere.
But some restriction is good. In Delhi they enforce "dry days"
which fall on payday every month. The idea is to stop workers from blowing
all their wages on drinking.
Prohibition in the US
Prohibition in the United States was a measure designed to reduce drinking
by eliminating the businesses that manufactured, distributed, and sold
alcoholic beverages. The Eighteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution
took away license to do business from the brewers, distillers, vintners,
and the wholesale and retail sellers of alcoholic beverages. The leaders
of the prohibition movement were alarmed at the drinking behavior of
Americans, and they were concerned that there was a culture of drink
among some sectors of the population that, with continuing immigration
from Europe, was spreading.
Ludmila Mamaliga
Translated by Natalia Corobco