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March 2004

Welcome to Moldova - Everything you wished to know about Moldova Brief Overview of the Moldovan Tax System
General Remarks
The Moldovan tax system is an aggregate of taxes, duties and levies, principles, forms and methods of their establishment, modification and abolition as well as measures to ensure their payment. Continued >>>
“Moldova does have an economic prosperous future”
The Secretariat for Economy of the Switzerland Foreign Department pursuing the goal of activating the cooperation in the field of economy, technique, education and culture initiated the KABA Assistance Program in the countries of Eastern Europe. For this purpose some volunteers have been selected. One of them, Mr. Alain Benech, chose wholeheartedly to be sent to the Republic of Moldova. What follows is our interview with him held recently before a group of students of the Academy of Economic Studies. In the interview he shares his thoughts and ideas about Moldova, which is not less beautiful than Switzerland. Continued >>>
SAKURA – The Symbol of Japan
In Japanese, the cherry is called “Sakura', which is generally believed to be a corruption of the word “Sakuya” (blooming) from the name of Princess Kono-Hana-Sakuya-Hime, who is enshrined on the top of the mountain Fuji. This long name means “tree-flowers-blooming princess”, for the cherry was so well known in those early days in Japan that the flower meant nothing but cherry. The princess was so named because, it is said, she fell from heaven upon a cherry tree. Continued >>>
Festival Martisor-2004
"Martisor" was always the great cultural event in musical history of the Republic of Moldova. It became the most stable of all other musical forums. Its red-white symbols are very pleasant to both children and adults. It is a bright spring holiday, which is equally liked by both politicians and creative people, it is a wonderful holiday for all – favorite and necessary! Continued >>>
Zarui Vardanean's Opera Victories
Zarui Vardanean is a soloist of the National Opera of Moldova. Frankly, among the opera prima donnas you do not find too many of her kind, combining stunning appearance and great voice. She started her singing career as a choir singer. Maybe, it was the choir singing that gave her much patience in making her career. When she is on the stage, she is always calm and self-assured. One cannot help noticing her face, even if she does not have a leading singing part. Continued >>>

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