Laws of Moldova
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Laws of Moldova
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Career Opportunities with Welcome Magazine

We currently have openings in several departments for talented and dedicated professionals who are ready to step up to a dynamic environment where initiative is encouraged and ideas are welcomed. Successful candidates can look forward to a competitive compensation scheme. You will also be part of a culture that is results-oriented and both personally rewarding and professionally satisfying.

Current Positions

1. Representative in Cities of Moldova
2. Graphics and Web designer
3. Reporter

If you would like to be considered for any of these positions please contact us via e-mail or via fax +(373-2) 225-135.
Send your resume and a cover letter briefly saying why you think you qualify for the position with WELCOME

WELCOME is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

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constitute the copyright of WELCOME SRL. No reproduction, distribution or transmission
of the copyrighted materials on this site is permitted without the prior written consent of WELCOME SRL.