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German Community In Moldova

The man who made Chisinau prosper

"Your life and work will remain in the hearts of grateful descendants forever. Our town will be an eternal memory," these wonderful words written in the obituary were used to describe Karl Smidt, an honest and kind man, who possessed extraordinary leadership qualities. Smidt occupied the position of city mayor for over a quarter of a century. These 25 years were marked with a general improvement of life in Chisinau. At the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century talented architects such as Bernardazzi, Cupcea, and Tiganco constructed some of the most outstanding city buildings including the City Duma (Primaria), Regional Court House, City Bank (Organ Hall), Basarabian History Museum (Natural History Museum), and Noble Club building (Patria movie theater) which continue to amaze visitors and guests with their stateliness even today, more than 100 years past the time they were constructed.

Smidt's period is also characterized by unprecedented social and economic development in Chisinau. In 60 years (from 1810 to 1870) the population of the city increased from seven to 100 thousand. In 1870 the City Duma, Regional and County Courts were created. This was also the time when first Commercial Banks and Notary Offices were opened for the public. All bank and trade capital from Basarabia accumulated there and this influenced the growth of Chisinau.

A big event in the life of the city was the opening of a railway line in 1871. It did not only connect Chisinau to distant regions of Basarabia, Russia and Europe, but also turned the city into a major southern trade center. Karl Smidt put in a lot of effort to build good sewerage and water heating, establish telephone lines and electricity. First trams also started operating in his time. In the 1960s however the lines were dismantled and brick roads were replaced with asphalt.

Every four years the city government elected a new mayor. From 1877 to 1903 Smidt repeatedly won these elections. Who was that wonderful man who managed to deserve people's love and respect? Being of German origin, he was born in 1846 in Balti. Later, after obtaining a law degree, he was appointed detective at the Basarabian regional court, where he was much valued by his colleagues. At 31 he is elected mayor and begins his work on ameliorating the city. Smidt got personally but disinterestedly involved in the life of his citizens and demonstrated excellent talent for organizing. An event of enormous importance in the city was the arrival, in April 1877, of Russian emperor Alexander II. In his honor the central park took his name. At the parade of Russian troops Alexander II proclaimed war against Turkey and blessed his army for the defense of his country and the sanctity of his majesty. Being a real patriot, Karl Smidt could not remain uninfluenced by the war. A home for the disabled was established with the money donated by Chisinau citizens for wounded soldiers. The mayor persuaded a Moldovan landowner Constantin Riscani to give away 20 desyatinas (old Russian land measure, equivalent to 2.7 acres or 1.09 hectares) for the construction of the Invalid Home. Donations arrived even from as far as Russia. The Invalid Home was built but did not survive until our time and only the chapel near the Shipka monument is still standing.

Smidt paid great attention to education and became the administrator of newly built female and male grammar schools. He also contributed to the construction of the Bank. Although he always had free access to large social funds he never withdrew money for his own needs. According to contemporaries he was scrupulously honest. His heart ached for small children and he built an orphanage. Dosshouses and cheap food places were established for the poor. Smidt always encouraged the founding of new museums, theaters and monuments. In memory of the great Russian poet, Alexander Pushkin's stay in Moldova a monument was set up in central park. It can still be seen today.
Thanks to his excellent business qualities, Karl Smidt could find financial support and predispose toward himself. In the 30 years of Smidt's administrative and social management Chisinau transformed into a highly appraised European city. Special merits were acknowledged during his life with awards to the Honorable Citizen of Chisinau. Grateful citizens kept an everlasting memory of him by naming one of the streets of Chisinau after him. The nowadays Mitropolit Varlaam Street used to bear Smidt's name from 1924 to 1944. Since 1999 due to the efforts of the German community number 84 on Mitropolit Varlaam Street carries a special plate. Karl Smidt was an extraordinary personality that historians will continue to talk about in their attempts to reveal new facts about his practical and internal capacities.

German roots…

The history of the German community goes back to the 19th century when German colonists were invited to Moldova. This was a carefully planned political maneuver that attracted representatives of over 100 different nationalities to Moldova. Until 1940 there were approximately 93 thousand Germans but after 1941 they moved to Germany. There used to exist large populations of Germans in the country, which preserved their language and traditions. There are very few Germans living in Chisinau today. The estate of the national 1812 war hero P. N. Vitgenstein in Camenca has been destroyed. German architects took an active part in constructing some of the popular architectural sites of Chisinau, among them were G. Zetzner, L. Scheidevan, N. Mertz, R. Kurt and even Bernardazzi who had German roots.

Iakov Printz devoted much of his time to vine protection. The most colorful pages of the Chekhov Theater are connected to the life of artist Victor Burhart. Sculptures and ceramics by Luiza Jantzen form part of the interior decor of official buildings in Chisinau.

…and cultural ties

Moldova-Germany Cultural organization in cooperation with the German Embassy in the Republic of Moldova and the Ministry of Culture held a Friendship Festival. Several music contests took place as part of the festival. Various rock and folklore bands from Chisinau, Tiraspol, Tighina, Ciadir-Lunga, Balti and other cities participated in this event.

The festival concluded with a dazzling music show with German artists like H. Zenkert and Mike Knopp. A poetry contest dedicated to the memory of Friedrich Schiller was organized at the Kogalniceanu lyceum. Financial aid and medication were provided to the older representatives of the Moldovan theater art. Moldovan puppet shows, painters and circus performers toured around Germany. The cultural ties between Moldova and Germany strengthen with the support of Moldova-Germany Cultural organization.

Valentina Lipina

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